Fiji Worship Nights Exploding With Youth

A worship band we work with in Fiji is seeing great breakthrough in the realms of revival. They are called Latterain, a non-denominational group that carries and heart and hunger for revival. We utilise their skills for our Fiji crusades and also they do bi-monthly worship nights and are seeing great revival fruit. We wanted to share some photo’s and also some testimonies from their ministry so that all may know that revival is spreading to the south pacific!
“I literally encountered God during the worship night that was held in May.”
“(I’d be more than happy to share a testimony of) My bondages being broken and my spirit being set free after years of being caged. I literally encountered God during the worship night that was held in May. Since that day I have been baptised and my walk with God has gone to the next level where I can even hear the voice of God clearly. My deliverance at the worship night was profound and I’m definitely more in tune with the Holy Spirit since then. (You) literally usher all of us into the throne of grace … where we directly access Him because the Holy Spirit hovers and flows so mightily when you guys start to worship. I feel you guys usher us right inot the Holy of Holies … God bless.”